Our Research Topic
For our research project we decided on the topic "tablet technology and smartboards in the language classroom". All of us had already some experiences with this new innovation or way of teaching and because of that it was quite easy for us to decide on this topic very quickly. Here are our ideas what could be possible disadvantages and advantages of the usage of tablet technology and smartboards in the language classroom.
Our Research Question
We want to research how middle school students use tablet technologies in the language classroom, how those technologies influence the acquisition and the learning of language and whether they are as effective as traditional ways of teaching.
We want to research this topic because we've heard from many older that the use of new technologies has not convinced them. They prefer to stick to the traditional way of teaching a language with the help of books and exercise books because in their opinion this is more effective.
We would like to find out if this opinion is still relevant today, in times when globalization and technology play a key role.
Finding the sources for our research
For our research we collected some sources which may help us to dig deeper into the topic and to become more professional and be well versed in this new and permanently developing way of teaching.
Teaching Media,
Unter Mitw. v. Leskau, Linda / Lohse, Kathrin / Malmsheimer, Arne / Schröter, Jens, 2017
School observation
We decided to visit "Hansjakob Bildungszentrum" in Haslach for our project to look closer on the use of tablets in the classroom. We tried to answer our research question about the way of learning at schools - weather the traditional way by using school books or the implementation of tablets is the right option nowadays.
During the opservation we had the opportunity to talk with differnt teachers who are using tablet technology during their lessons.
They introduced us some apps they like to use the most. Some of them you can find in the list on the right.
One app which really impressed us was the app "SLOW MOTION STUDIOS". With this app students can create learning videos. We had the opportunity to watch some of this videos which were made by students, but unfortunately we are not allowed to show them on this website. Because of that you will be transferred to a Slow Motion Video on YouTube by clicking on the link below.
Description: Creat Mind Maps and save them as pictures or PDF
Usage: Homework or during the lesson
Description: Organizing grades
Description: Digital blackboard
Usage: Lesson organization
Description: Projects the tablet screen to the smartboard
Usage: Fast access and availability for the entire class
Description: A game that gives point for a right or wrong answer
Usage: Daily lesson organization
Description: Works as a calculator
Description: Learn how to program
Description: Learning app for German and Maths
Usage: Homework or during the lesson
Outcomes of the survey
On the 24th of May we visited the "Hansjakob Bildungszentrum" in Haslach im Kinzigtal to observe students and teacher while working with tablets and smartboards. At the beginning a teacher showed us the school - which was really big, by the way - and the principle presented us the concept. One of the younger teachers, who uses the tablets since she finished her "Referendariat" explained us how the tablets are integrated into the lesson and how she uses this technology. All the apps you can use are shown in one of our latest blogpost "school observation". Afterwards we talked with a student teacher about the communication between teachers, students, the principle and also the parents via the tablets (iPads). At the end of the school day we had the opportunity to get an idea of how to use the tablet in the classroom. The lesson was about signets like the "Bio Siegel" or "Stiftung Warentest". The exercise was to do a research about one of the signets on their worksheet.
To find out if the use of tablets is as effective as the concepts intended we did a survey with 80 students and 9 teachers. Below you will find the questionnaire we used and the outcomes of the survey.